Butlers in the buff
A company providing semi-naked men to serve drinks and food at parties has successfully stopped another firm using its trademark.
Bristol-based Butlers in the Buff (BITB) settled out of court with a company based in Newquay, Cornwall, which offers similar services.
Bufflers Entertainment has agreed to remove all mentions of the BITB name in its marketing and on its website.
BITB said “it is frustrating when companies take advantage of our work”.
Adam Davey, CEO of Bufflers Entertainment said: “We were unaware that it was a registered trademark and have complied with them every step of the way.
“Butlering is less than 3% of what we do, and we have removed all mentions of the trademark as we agreed with them.”
Bufflers has also agreed to pay damages and costs.
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Butlers in the buff
Stacey Bramhall, director and partner at BITB, said the company was pleased with the outcome.
“We are very proud of our fantastic brand,” she said. “It is not right that other companies try to confuse the public by trying to pass off as Butlers in the Buff.
“It is very unfair to our business but also, and more importantly, to the general public.”
BITB said it was also in contact with other companies it believes are using the registered trademark.
Describing itself on its website as a “male order company”, BTB offers honed young men to serve at hen parties, birthdays and girls’ nights “wearing only a collar, cuffs, bowtie and the now famous bottom-revealing apron”.
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